Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh, Great: "2008 Will Be One Second Longer"

According to a news report, the International Earth Rotation & Reference Systems Service monitors the difference between the Earth's rotation and the atomic clock. As the Earth very gradually slows down, the two timescales are continually thrown out of synch, and every so often, one "leap second" must be tacked on to the atomic clock. An extra second will be added on the last day of 2008 at 6:59:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (don't blink).

Well, this is just an outrage. The next thing you know, they'll start tossing in an extra day to the shortest month of the year a couple times a decade. Geez. It's all President Bush's fault, I bet... Sigh, time has lost all meaning now...

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