Friday, December 26, 2008

The Long & Twisted Road... With Mariah

What a storied history I have with Mariah Carey. In 13 years at Billboard, only a handful of anecdotes bear repeating... when Vanessa Williams proved face to face to be the bitch she now deliciously plays on "Ugly Betty"; when Clive Davis came after me, knives sharpened, for dissing Rod Stewart and Justin Timberlake (complete with a hand-signed letter that hangs at home); and digs at Mariah, actually credited, in part, for her temporary insanity in the New York Post. (click right, below)

In another time, Billboard indulged single reviews that were less than complementary. As singles reviews editor since 1998, my reputation was forged on delicious venom: If I loved a song, you got the sweetest embrace, but established artists that took a misstep were demonized. When Mariah flip-flopped to hip-hop, I responded with several less-than-flattering reviews.

Meanwhile, Mariah was the first artist I had the pleasure of meeting when I started at Billboard. Around Thanksgiving 1995, my Billboard muse Larry Flick took me to her Madison Square Garden TV special taping, where we met her. It was magic.The photo below really tells the story here. After so many unkind reviews, Ayhan and I attended a Z100 concert and, with all-access credentials, squeezed into Mariah's dressing room—and eek, there she was with some guy named Randy Jackson, who, of course, is now the renowned "American Idol" judge. Mariah comes forth, I introduce myself and she announces, "I know who you are." Pause. I say, "Are you gonna hit me?" She laughs, and I launch into a diatribe about my reviews that, to this day, I'm convinced was inspired by angels. I say something to the effect of, "You know, I have followed your career since the beginning, so when you disappoint, I hold you to the highest standard. I expect nothing but the best, given what I know you're able to achieve." I meant it, too.
Her response: "Really? Oh, thank you," with total sweetness." Then we posed for the pic here... After this, I found it pretty much impossible to ever again write a negative word, given Mariah's humility. Fortunately, she came back with "We Belong Together," rediscovering melody, making my job much easier...

Now Sony has released "Mariah Carey: The Ballads" (above. left), an album I adore... Ah, the memories... the good times... the '90s... and then the third meeting with Lady M, with Kristina in 2007. Amen!


  1. So basically, you're saying that despite the goodwill Mariah had earned with her previous hits, you remained impartial when she released something not up to "the highest standard." Fine.

    But you (almost proudly) admit you wrote "rude" and "just plain mean reviews." Sounds rather unprofessional and a bit personal, but that's just my opinion. The inarguable part: you say that, after she was nice to you and posed for a picture with your sloppy ass, you were "never again able to write a negative word."

    So much for being impartial, huh? That's exactly why people don't respect reviewers and columnists in this industry -- and yes, I am one. You're not judging on musical merit, but rather your own emotions. And to blatantly admit it (while probably not even realizing you're doing so) shows just how damn lame you really are.

    Oh, but don't take this personally. I just hold you up to the "highest standard."

  2. You're a vile parasite. Kill yourself please!

  3. I am appreciative to this weblog much

  4. Calling Vanessa Williams or any female whether you do not like them or not a "bitch" is totally inappropriate and unprofessional. With all that Ms. Williams' has endured from the public since Miss America I think she has the right to be testy. Mariah's career has changed a bit but no artist stays the same and she is just finally doing what Tommy "whateverhisnameis" would not allow her to do. Mariah seems more human now and not some dressed up Barbie doll singing stuff that was just too old for her. C'mon Mr. Taylor a little humility and taste would do you some good.

  5. people...people please...

    guys, stop dissing Mr Chuck Taylor.he does what is best as a commentator...and as a critic to a certain entity (which should be the Billboard).If a person is so naive and lies all the time, he/she deserves no credit to be a professional critic...yet Mr Taylor is an honest one who always spell out what a thing is without concealing any fact.To me, this entry here makes me more amazed and impressed to what his heart really says about Mariah Carey.

    Mr Chuck Taylor, thank you for blogging about Mariah Carey...and I love the way you describe who she is because deep down inside, we really believe Mariah is such an amazing person too;>

  6. Above all things Mr. Taylor saw what he neeeded to saw
    He could have gone "proud" not recognizing Mariah's efforts to be successful.
    But he saw and he wrote it down
    And mainly
    he was true with mariah sayin' what he thought about glitter, loverboy...
    And she was true and sweet with him sayin thank you for his words (I expect nothing but the best, given what I know you're able to achieve) and not even caring about his issue over loverboy.


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