P took me to lunch today and, as I've stated, I feel for him. I have been his right hand for the past four years—he’s my direct supervisor and yet he has always treated me like an equal, respecting my abilities—and now, thanks to the decisions made by the West Coast hierarchy, he is faced with doing his job and most of mine.

But back to me, please. At this point, the common question I get is, “What are your plans?” My answer: “I’m going to paint the living room, clean out closets and explore Brooklyn.” Again, as I’ve said, I have been a working man for 25 years. I look forward to taking a full month with pay to process the transition, make peace with this mind-fuck, then box it up and be done with it. And then, explore the next chapter in life.
I’ve had great conversations with allies in HR and corporate recruitment—and Mark, Alice, Michael M. and Valerie—have all assured me that my mind-set is healthy, not naïve. So as spring blossoms in New York, I look forward to long walks with my camera, fun blog entries… and sometime soon enough, seeing where my reputation and talent will lead.

Life is good. I live in the greatest city I can imagine, I am so fortunate to be madly in love, my finances are in check, I am pretty healthy and—as important as the above—I have a collection of crazy, eclectic, ultimately loving allies that I count on. A chosen family. The greatest gift of all, truly. I’m going to be fine.
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