How delicious is the story that Bristol Palin, the strumpet offspring of dim-witted Sarah Palin—who is 18 and has yet to graduate from high school—has split with the eternal love of her life, Levi Johnston, because he's too "white trash" to raise their bastard baby Tripp? Wheee! Methinks the Calphalon is calling the Farberware black. The Wasilla Hillbillies are certainly elevating the Republican party to a lofty position of elegance (okay, okay, no Jimmy Carter jokes necessary). This is truly more fun than bobbing for razor blade-laden apples at Halloween.

It's gonna be great fun when Ms. Palin makes her bid for President in four years; by then, her other aristocratic chillen will likely have spawned their own little bastards. Are there enough bedrooms in the White House for the whole clan? As if the grumpy Republican party representing all that is upstanding and moral in this nation isn't already wildly out of touch by refusing to offer any support—or ideas—to aid the tanking economy, these days those pesky gays are the least of their worries. My god, when is the Bravo reality series coming?
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