Boy, I'll never forget this day in March 1981... with release of the first self-titled Sheena Easton album. I was in line for that baby the day it appeared at the record store... remember those? They were retail outlets where people went to shop for albums. Remember those? They were made of vinyl and were 12-inches wide. Back in the day when I first discovered debut No. 1 single "Morning Train," I'd spend four hours every Saturday night in the dorm room of friends high on a hill, where the radio station that played Casey Kasem's "American Top 40" fuzzily came in, and I would actually copy the countdown by hand.

At last, someone told me that Billboard magazine was in the student union every week, allowing me to break free and xerox the Hot 100 on a weekly basis.
Despite the "duh," look on my face, I'm going to interpret this as "catharsis." Yeah, that's it. That's my friend Caroline on the right, who now is married with five, count 'em, five kids.
Did you know I took this picture? I did! :)