Monday, September 17, 2012

Quote Of The Day: Rick Santorum Speaks Truth For The First Time?

Failed loudmouth Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum joined some of the most extremist conservatives in the nation last weekend at D.C.'s "Values Voters Summit," standing alongside good buddies and some of America's dimmest minds: Kirk Cameron, Tony Perkins, Michele Bachmann, Laura Ingraham—and G.O.P. VP candidate Paul Ryan...

In what may well be the first time in his political career, Santorum said something that sounds pretty damn smart to meese. Ready? Characterizing conservative values, the bigoted homophobe shouted from the mountaintop...
"We will never have the media on our side, 
ever, in this country. We will never have 
the elite, smart people on our side."
Genius. And you can bet that's a word I have never used to describe Ricky. *

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