Perhaps the most disappointing variable of California's 6-1 vote to uphold the rust-ridden Proposition 8, which upholds the state's belief that gays and lesbians are second-class citizens, is the gutless silence from the White House. President Obama campaigned on a platform of inclusion and justice for all American citizens. Now, like President Clinton, he not only appears to have forgotten his promise to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell, but as the nation moves forward—and backward—in securing marriage rights for gays, the president—who should surely be appreciative of overcoming much prejudice in his career—has not one word to say.

Here's a statement on the Prop 8 ruling from the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center: “While upholding the legal marriages of the 18,000 same-sex couples who married in California, the ruling establishes that all Californians are NOT entitled to equal protection of the law. This is a setback for the cause of freedom and fairness. But every noble struggle has been filled with losses that people had to endure and overcome. Not only are courts and legislatures recognizing that it’s wrong to discriminate against any group of people by denying them the fundamental freedom to marry the one they love, but now even a majority of Americans agree. That is enormous progress and we cannot let one election, one court case, one defeat stop us. Ours is not a fight simply for the freedom to marry. Ours is a fight for full equality; full equality and nothing less.”
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