Sunday, July 24, 2011

Gay Marriage Equality: Fringe Zealots, Don't Rain On Our Parade!

While thousands are enjoying the shiny new marriage equality rights awarded by the state of New York today, of course there remain a few fringe zealots who simply cannot resist tossing their sour grapes at same-sex marriage proponents.

Realizing that the law is carefully worded to not impede on any religious organization's will to perform same-sex marriages, opponents are frantically searching for any hanging thread to turn back the hands of progress. They're now hoping to find one pissed off person who feels his or her "civil rights" have been impeded by marriage equality... to sue the state. Actually, a public referendum is required to potentially overturn the law, so good luck. Flimsy, huh?

The most vociferous of the bunch, the National Organization for Marriage—which spent $736,000 fighting passage of the law and intends to throw away $2 million more to battle senators who voted in favor of the bill—planned Sunday demonstrations in Manhattan, Rochester, Buffalo and Albany. NOM president Brian Brown (the guy who wept in the Senate chamber) has whined that passage of the law "stole the right of the people of New York to vote."

Inexplicably, also among the most outspoken opponents of marriage equality are hypocritical black leaders, who have forgotten what it's like to feel like second-class citizens. Bishop E.W. Jackson, who is conveniently running for the Virginia Senate, recently spewed a barrel full of hatred: "While I have pray for those who choose to lead a homosexual lifestyle, New York's decision to allow same sex people to marry is another government sledge hammer used to shatter our Judeo-Christian culture."

Again with the "gays are destroying Christian values" argument? Mr. Jackson, you sound very dated here.

In addition, the National Black Church Initiative promises a relentless legal and political effort to oppose marriage equality, which is ironic, considering the group's website condones its Civil Society Initiative, which aims to "lift everyone to the same level of humanity. Our goal is to erase human prejudice, discrimination, hatred and especially violence." You mean... as long as you're straight and black?

Meanwhile, momentum is building on the federal level to at last knock down the prejudicial 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of state-sanctioned same-sex marriage. Don't Ask Don't Tell is finally on its way down the toilet. Maryland may be next to sanction marriage equality.

Don't you see, marriage equality opponents? You are now in an ever-increasing minority here. A Harris Interactive poll released Saturday again confirms that 53% of U.S. adults believe same-sex marriages should be recognized. As youth continue to command positions of power, these numbers will only rise. It's time for hate-spewing anti-gay forces to use someone else to fatten up their bank accounts. Fred Phelps, NBCI and NOM: Your fear tactics have run out of gas. Finally, you stand in defeat.

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