And I thought I cried a lot during "The Time Traveler's Wife"...

Wednesday we rented "The Notebook, starring one of my faves, Rachel McAdams, with Ryan Gosling—whom

it was about impossible to regard as a romantic lead after recently watching him play the freak in "Lars and the Real Girl"—along with James Garner (yup, I'm old enough to recall "The Rockford Files") and the ever-intense Gena Rowlands.

I had little idea what I was in for... perhaps the most romantic, well-crafted love story I have seen since "Titanic" in 1998. Oh, how I huffed and puffed and just let the tears go. Gorgeous. Everyone and everything.
Ah... a little Halfheimers setting in, old-timer? That was Rachel McAdams, not Jennifer Garner. But still, agree with you it's a GREAT flick. (it's also good to know I'm not the only person who watched -- and LIKED -- Lars and the Real Girl.)