I've been keeping up with the race via my fave "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC, who has repeatedly reported about just how frighteningly out of touch Cuccinelli is with mainstream social moors—not to mention running a campaign that is utterly packed with LIES about his opponent's views.
The polls closed at 7 p.m., and as hoped, Virginians seem to understand that this man is as close to a modern-generation Mephistopheles as has ever practiced politics in Washington.
The Atlantic offers a thoughtful piece on all that this madman did wrong in his bid for Governor, as an anti-abortion zealot, immigration reform foe, anti-gay everything, anti-Obamacare, support for school abstinence-only policies, on and on and on...
Here's hoping that we'll know for certain within the next few hours that America continues to recognize Tea Party fanatics as the nation's worst political disaster since... George Bush.
Meanwhile, the Illinois House approved marriage-equality legislation this afternoon, and the measure appears on track to become state law!! Federal equality is coming, I tell you!!
UPDATE: As we now know, of course, McAuliffe ultimately triumphed, thanks to voters in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. But it was frighteningly close, with a 48/46% win for McA. All the same, Virginia now has the opportunity to join the rest of the nation as a progressive state—instead of what it might have become under Cuccinelli: Texas, V2.
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