Every Wednesday evening, public concerts are hosted just down the street from Liz D.'s house, in Agawam Park. Tonight, I heard the sounds of Jerry Costanzo's big band wafting toward the house, and I couldn't resist checking it out. Five minutes on foot later, I sat and enjoyed the summer scene.

What a warm night... and what better than a hot man to complete the picture. Oh yeah, she's pretty, too.

On the walk back home...

I finally took the time to explore the Southampton Historical Museum at 17 Meeting House Lane, which is housed in the Albert Rogers mansion, built in 1843 by a whaling captain. This is the west side of the house, which faces the street.

And the front, which at one time, must have been adorned by a grand yard. Today, the restaurants and shops along Main Street back up to the home, sadly leaving only 10 or so feet of landscaping—thus the tight shot.

The grounds of the museum include an "authentic" 17th century village, including period merchants, like a blacksmith, spa and sneaker shop. Wait, maybe that's not quite right.

Also on display are the Stocks, used "to punish drunkards and disrespectful children." I'll drink to that. Worse, the Pillory was used to publicly discipline "women who spoke with a sharp tongue and men that shirked their village duties, such as sleeping on guard duty or cursing." Damn. Here, a pussy in the Pillory. Oh, shit, was that an impertinent statement, worthy of public flogging?
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