And I thought I'd about heard it all. New York Governor David Paterson is playing the race card over the fact that the vast majority of his constituents believe he's an impotent idiot, incapable of taming his circus animals in Albany. Claiming that people are "uncomfortable seeing so many black politicians in power," he told political blogger Gerson Borrero, "One very successful minority is permissible, but when you see too many success stories, some people get nervous."

The only color I see here is green: envy that a handful of politicos in office know how to do their jobs. On Friday, Paterson also ranted to the
Daily News that he is a victim of an "orchestrated" media campaign to push him from office—and that President Obama is next on the target list. The gov should be so lucky to stand beside the prez. He further whined, "I've done the best I can under the very trying circumstances. It seems I have to work twice as hard as others. I have felt

stereotyped at times."
A Siena Research Institute poll shows his job approval rating at a meager 23% and his favorability rating at 32%. A whopping 68% said they'd prefer anybody else if Paterson runs for a full four-year term next year, while 52% said they prefer Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to run for governor rather than seek reelection to his current office.
ADDENDUM: On Tuesday, NYC's first black mayor, David Dinkins, put in his two cents, telling the New York Times that Paterson should "get off the racist thing." The White House also asked him to shut the fuck up. Hand the man a shovel; it'll be easier to dig his own grave that way. What a doink.
You should really have a "sad" option to check for some posts. :o