But her blog's mantra—"We use the words Shugah, Y'all & Darlin' a lot. Don't be fooled by our drawl: We may talk slow, but we think fast"—and there you have it.

And get this. A year ago, she sent me a note cautioning that in a picture I had posted on The Nun where I was sitting in a restaurant paying the bill, one could actually decipher my credit card number. I thought that was awfully neighborly. Check out Snig's Spot. You'll fall in love, too.
Why bless your heart. Chuck, you're such a fantastic guy.
ReplyDeleteThe mantra I try to live most by is "Be decent to others". Most times, it's a pretty easy way to live...until some dipstick comes trying to stomp on me. Then I have to crank up my log truck and show 'em a thing or two.
Sorry I haven't been around much as of late. Between school & the various schedules that seem to have all 4 of us going separate directions, it's been the pits. I've got a break coming up though, so hopefully for a few weeks I can keep up with what's happening way up there in New Yawk.
Hope you & yours are well and you have a fantastic weekend!! (((Hugs)))
Love the w/v- suppennyc Sup' in NYC? :D