Monday, February 9, 2009

Dunno Who You Are, But Love You!

I launched this blog modestly June 7, 2008 with the words, "Welcome to the Chuck Taylor blog! Stand by for news, views and commentary!" I didn't return until October, when I leisurely posted all of eight entries. But when our plasma TV went kaput in November, I found myself with time on my hands—and a laptop sitting in front of me. Boom! There were 44 posts that month, followed by 73 in December and 113 in January.

At this point, the blog is a daily indulgence to record the times of a generous life: the photos and certainly, a good share of rants.

Of course, I figured that this was total self-indulgence... that aside from a couple accommodating friends (that's you Donna and Mark), nobody was actually reading this random collection of goop.

But on Jan. 18, I installed a counter and I'll be damned, it seems that this Internet thing is catching on. Today, less than a month later, I reached 3,000 hits. Of course, I recognize that that's nuttin' compared to "real" blogs, but it's awfully gratifying.

So thank you! That feels nice. Keep coming back, won't you?


  1. Yay for your blog! I'm not surprised at the number of hits you have. It's such a fun read. I look forward to every new post! Love ya honey! :)

  2. Hey Donna...couldn't agree more. Absolutely love Chuck's blog....and the man himself, naturally!!!!!!!!!!


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