Sunday, February 8, 2009

James Dean: February 8

James Dean, my ultimate pop culture hero, was born today, February 8, 1931. He died September 30, 1955, at the age of 24. If he were still alive today, Jimmy would be 78 years old! There's something to say for the eternal youth that comes with sleeping onto Jesus at a young age.

I discovered James Dean at 21, living in Washington, when I first saw "Rebel Without A Cause." I was mesmerized, and equally entranced by Sal Mineo and Natalie Wood. Within a week, I had rented "East of Eden" and "Giant," bought my first biography and picture book and was absorbing information with obsessive fervor.

One of the first times I came to New York, in 1988, I stopped by the Algonquin Hotel and actually touched the door where Dean lived for a short time when he first arrived in New York from Indiana. Yeah I know: dork.

Through the years, I have replaced my VHS tapes with DVDs and continue to Tivo every documentary that covers his life. I'm nearly twice the age of Jimmy when he died now, and yet his rebellious, can-do spirit continues to inspire me. Every morning, I drink my coffee out of a James Dean mug, as my 2009 Jimmy calendar hangs by my desk. A true American original.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to steal my dad's James Dean tie when I dress up.


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