This gig was a godsend, distracting me from being a sad sack, post D-I-V-O-R-C-E, and I have been working like a madman, writing 100 mini bios for a

I was at my desk at 5:15 this morning and now, 17 hours later, I have at last finished the draft, et al. Saturday I'll start anew, giving all a crisp proof, edit and critical read before I send it away. If I successfully deliver, this could lead to semi-regular assignments—essential now that I've lost the rent $$$ from my partner. My career as a freelance journo is launching into uber-mega-high-hustle gear. I've also renewed my commitment to mystery shopping. There you have my two cents for the day, cool cats.
I hope this piece leads to more work for you. People should be so lucky to read your pieces...you're a brilliant writer and man.