Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yawn! Another Bland NYC Evening... With Miss New York/USA

Tuesday evening I joined Liz D. and Leo at the POP Gallery in Soho for a fundraising gala in support of artist Joel Bermano's charity fund. Liz does the dude's publicity and Leonard is one of his primary profile writers. I was simply there to swill wine and say clever things about the art, such as, "I believe his subtle use of pastel hues is both diacritic and unwonted."

Among "celebs" in attendance were Miss New York Amber Collins, who was charming, beautiful—and intelligent, with a Master's Degree from NYU Steinhardt in early childhood and special education; and New York Giant Ladanian Tomlinson, whose football jersey painting was auctioned to raise money for The Bermano Fund and Ladainian Tomlinson's Foundation. Below: meese with Liz D. & Leo; Bermano & reporter; Leo & Bermano.

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