Um, sounds like a great option to me... I must admit, I am stunned that maligning gay folks has become acceptable, if not a calling card for conservative politicians... again. For a minute there, it seemed all the talk about bullying and hate crimes in this post-Jerry Falwell era was turning the tide, making it as unacceptable to condemn gays as to utter the "N" word.
Obviously, Republican candidates are trying to outdo themselves with how far they can push homophobia... Michele Bachmann is no longer a freak unto herself. And the worst part: Like so many that espouse hate against homos, a Google search for "Santorum closet gay" reveals his real motivation: self-loathing.
In this latest interview, Santorum equated gay marriage with "the immorality" of slavery (I'm amazed he's not publicly in favor of returning black folks to the back of the bus). He also lashed out

Further, Santorum droned in an interview with Radio Iowa, “Leaders should be out there advocating for what is in the best interest of our society and what’s in the best interest of mothers and fathers and children."
In other words, it's that age-old weary argument that gays are out to recruit your innocent sons and daughters, because we're all desperate perverts. Good god, is this the 1950s? Again, Jerry Falwell is in hell... I thought we were done with this sort of madness.
Among the homophobe's previous gay-bashing whoppers:
* In 2003, Santorum said homosexuality should be illegal, comparing it to states' regulation of

* Despite the well-tread 1974 study by the American Psychological Assn. that homosexuality is not an illness, Santorum begs to differ: "The AMA is made up of people who agree with the American Psychological Assn. That's not evidence."
* "In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever included homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing."
* In a 2011 GOP debate Sept. 22, a gay soldier deployed in Iraq asked GOP candidates if they would take measures to "circumvent" the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," if elected president. Santorum called the repeal of DADT "social experimentation" and "tragic."
* Like Herman Cain, Santorum insists that homosexuality "is not like skin color because it's a behavior and not an irrevocable biological fact."
I could go on, but why bother? Santorum is a bigot, a liar and a frightening homophobe... Thank god he's living in the closet. I couldn't bear him being associated with the proud, free gay men I know.
I have always gotten the feeling that Santorum is as gay as the sun of a summer day...what a wanker!