The state assembly approved the measure last Wednesday, with a Senate vote imminently due. Republicans hold a 32-30 advantage over Democrats, however, two GOP lawmakers have promised to vote in favor, with one homophobic Democrat joining Republicans, evening the vote.

Over the weekend, Cuomo said he was willing to amend the proposal, which already includes protection for religious organizations refusing to marry same-sex couples. But Senate Republicans—fearing retribution from the religious right—want further provisions to show conservatives they really, truly, for sure don't like it one bit.

I say, give them the concessions, as long as the bill becomes law. There are plenty of non-denominational ministers more than happy to wed gay couples—I happen to be one, after performing two straight wedding ceremonies, with a third this summer.

Meanwhile, religious leaders continue to peddle hate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the state’s top Roman Catholic leader, spewed on Friday that the legislation poses an “ominous threat” to society, comparing its passage to Communism. I'm pretty sure Dolan was also horrified when mixed-race couples were allowed to marry.
Sunday, he used his pulpit at St. Patrick's Cathedral to discuss politics—a move that would've made Jerry Falwell proud—calling on parishioners to pray "that marriage stays between a man and a woman." Apparently, it didn't go over so well; a number in the congregation found such a prayer offensive and inappropriate.
Other zealots are also making fools of themselves. Here's a good one: New York Giants' athlete David Tyree yammered that "his God" should be honored by keeping marriage between a man and woman.

He added that gay marriage would lead to anarchy: "Once you allow something like same-sex marriage, it opens up the door for

Gov. Cuomo has countered marriage equality haters by insisting that religious concerns should be separated from the debate over civil marriage: “I happen to be Catholic. That’s my business and that’s my religion. This has nothing to do with my beliefs as a Catholic. This is marriage in a civil context: marriage as defined by government, not by a religion.”

They're too busy up there taking AWAY unemployment benefits!! Did you hear about that? They're cutting out the 20 weeks of emergency benefits the gov voted to extend last year because "the economy has picked up so much" they don't feel it's needed. Yeah. That secretly went into effect TODAY. Fuckers. It's like...give us SOMETHING!!!