Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner Roasted: Sources Say Rep. Will Step Down Within The Hour

Looks like Anthony Weiner has pulled out! The Rep. from New York is  whipped by the pickle he put himself in after tweeting wienie pics.
Word was that Weiner planned to stick it out, thinking the whole matter was blown out of proportion.

But this sticky Battle of the Bulge continued to swell as Democrats gave him a hard time—refusing to offer a helping hand—while Republicans relished the scandal. He came up short with any viable defense. Thus, Weiner’s Schnitzel: A limp defense.

He may have been a fine politician, but now exposed, he has shriveled in the face of his misconduct.

God knows there's no possibility of Weiner being re-erected now. That must be tough for him to swallow. Boy, he really wasn't using his head. And now it looks like his pregnant wife is going to cut Weiner off. That bites.

Good god, that was fun.

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