Karine and Ed's beautiful kid, Julian—who bares a striking resemblance to young Rene Charles, Celine's kid (he is, after all, half-Canadian)—celebrated his third birthday party today. I even showed up. In person. Around children.

Meese, Karine, Julian and Ayhan.

With Karine and Ayhan.

And the day we met, back in November 2006. What the hell is going on with Ayhan's David Cassidy hair? Mine looks fabu... this is right after we had returned from the Virgin Islands, and my coif inexplicably morphed into a near-afro. Karine actually asked if I had gotten a perm (as if: A) a gay man would consider such a thing B) anyone in NYC would even grant such a horror C) it's 1987...)

Who knew they made toddler terlets? What a funny little thing (no, I did not attempt to use it).
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