McDonald's, consider yourself cooked. A new midtown Manhattan eatery is lending a real hand to empty-pocketed New

Yorkers with a menu that includes $1 burgers, fries and hot dogs. Pop's Dollar Food Shop opened this month on Seventh Avenue between 33rd and 34th streets, owned by Fox Goodman, a Midtown resident who has been in the restaurant industry for 38 years, and tells he's sick of people being ripped off in the area at lunch.
The unemployment rate in the city remains

lodged at 8.6%, a smidgen lower than the national tally of 9.1%. That means 3,610,000 New Yorkers remained without steady income, as of December 2010.
In addition to fresh meat and baked rolls, Pop's burgers are topped with onions, ketchup, pickles and, for a quarter more, cheese. The menu also includes a $1.75 bacon cheeseburger, double burgers and a soda for a buck.
And on that note, today marks the two-year anniversary of being laid off from Billboard magazine. Thanks, Pop's.
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