8:30 p.m. Opening sketch with Anne Hathaway & James Franco inserted into Best Pic noms... long-winded but cute... Morgan Freeman cameo... Anne winking at Colin Firth... Franco in tights... Anne dancing shedding leaves... Alec Baldwin in and out... "Back To the Future"... adorable. Now let's get on with it...
8:38 p.m. Aren't they beautiful?
8:42 p.m. Tom Hanks presenting two awards. Wow, no longer looks like a baby... 54 years old and kind of looks it, huh?... Hey, I hear the "Titanic" theme. Celine!! We're off to a grand start... Set Design award... time to get a gin and soda... Now Best Cinematography... boy, they really know when to send people to the bathroom, don't they?

8:52 p.m. Kirk Douglas... oh, how painful... god bless him at 94 years old.
8:55 p.m. Big one: Best Supporting Actress. God, here's that detestable kid Hailee... I adore Amy Adams, Helena Bonham-Carter is such a bizarre, admirable creature, Aussie Melissa Leo, while unknown here, is fab from an Oscars preview I watched earlier today, and Jackie Weaver plays trash beautifully. Wow... I'm going with Amy or Helena...

8:58 p.m. And the winner is... (stop talking, Douglas dude!!!)... Leo from "The Fighter." She said "fuck" during her acceptance speech and got bleeped out. Hey, now I love her!

9:00 p.m. Justin Timberlake and some chick from "The Black Swan." Let's see if Justin smiles for a change... Oh wait, they're presenting animated awards. Okay, I would be grimacing, too... Wow, they're really holding back on trophies that anyone gives a half-shit about, aren't they?
9:15 p.m. What's happening? I refilled my gin... Oh, it's dreamy Josh Brolin... how in the world
9:18 p.m. Award for Adapted Screenplay: "The Social Network." Beginning of a trend? Best Original Screenplay: "The King's Speech." Ah, the two leading bets for Best Pic have both won complementary awards... I'm still convinced that "The Social Network" is too youthful for the Academy. "Speech" fits Best Pic like a glove.

9:28 p.m. Anne singing... God, she is such a doll... And what a fucking voice!... Mercy, Franco is in drag! I love this man!
9:33 p.m. Who in god's name put Helen Mirren and Russell Brand together? That's like pearls and swine... Okay, so they've acted together, I get it... Foreign-Language Film... let me get some more ice for my beverage. This stupid woman who won just said, "Is this a real Oscar?" Duuuh! Next!

10:10 p.m. Poor Cate Blachett has to present make-up? Who did she piss off? Obviously, her dress designer for putting her in an embroidered pillow that's only half-finished. She looks 95 years old in that get-up. Dreadful.
10:15 p.m. Oh, this is fun. Costume Design winner Colleen someone is reading her acceptance speech as if someone else wrote it. Okay, granted, it's probably slightly stressful to be standing before a worldwide audience of millions, but girlfriend sounds like she's seeing each word for the first time. Next time, honey, take a Xanax!

10:20 p.m. Favorite movie song... interviewing everyday folks in Las Vegas... and there's Celine singing "My Heart Will Go On." Sigh... And speaking of gay...

10:36 p.m. Amy Adams & Jake Gyllenhaal are presenting some Short Film Awards... Hmm, I think I should vacuum the living room tomorrow. Oprah's presenting Documentary... yeah, let me get the bedroom sheets cleaned, too...
10:48 p.m. Robert Downey Jr., and Jude Law are presenting Visual and Editing awards. I'm not listening, but they look very handsome, don't they?
10:52 p.m. Newly skinny Jennifer Hudson seems ill at ease, huh? She really didn't have to lose

10:57 p.m. And the winner is... Randy Newman for "We Belong Together" from "Toy Story 3." Time for another gin!
11:04 p.m. And now the moment I have been waiting for all night... Celine Dion singing "Smile" as a tribute to all the 2010 dead folks... She looks lovely, albeit the sentiment is a tad dreary... "Smile... you're deceased!"

11:24 p.m. Hilary Swank, whom I cannot fathom is a straight woman (did you see her in "Amelia," unconvincingly conjuring romance with Richard Gere? As eye-rolling as Ellen Degeneres playing straight in 1996's "Mr. Wrong"). The horse face is introducing Kathryn Bigelow, who won Best Director last year for "The Hurt Locker," which is among the worst movies I have seen in my life. Ever. And I'm old...
11:28 p.m. Best Director: "The King's Speech." I think we know what's going to be named best film at this point, yes?
11:45 p.m. The ever-cool Jeff Bridges is presenting Best Actress. Enjoying the suspense... They all seem wildly talented, don't they? Love how he's offering personal props for each performance...
11:49 p.m. And the Oscar goes to... Natalie Portman. But of

12:00 a.m. Love this sleek royal blue dress Anne Hathaway is wearing... Here's lovable Sandra Bullock awarding Best Actor. Is there any way not to adore her? Her performance in last year's Oscar-winning
12:05 a.m. Okay, let's just wait for Colin Firth to get his Oscar. Who else is nominated? Does it matter? Oh, wait, James Franco!

12:18 a.m. Okay, that really wasn't a tough call. "Speech" wins. Typical Oscar pick. I have not seen the flick, and assume it's likely brilliant. But I also haven't (yet) seen "The Social Network," so I reserve judgment.
12:22 a.m. Oh, how lovely. The first dude speaking on behalf of "King's" thanked his "parents and my boyfriend Ben. You help me everyday do what I do." It's about time that gay equality evolved beyond the Tony Awards, eh?

Russell Brand was in The Tempest (the movie version) with Helen Mirren. They also did Arthur (the remake) together, coming soon. :)