Honest to god, it started out as a work night. Billboard No. 1

dance artist and friend
Sylvia Tosun and her production and life partner Anton Bass invited me to their beautiful highrise West Side digs for dinner and an interview to update the web site for their indie label
Sea To Sun.

We started with plentiful wine, animated conversation and dinner... and just as we were ready to settle down to business... the doorbell rings. It was Sylvia's pal
Countess Luann de Lesseps, one of Bravo's
Real Housewives of New York, whom I had met at events for Sylvia and parties with Liz Derringer in the Hamptons. She's a doll, a blast and a true socialite... classy lady.
The doorbell rings again. It's another friend named Cat. And then again. I can't even remember who the third spontaneous guest of the night was, but the wine kept flowing and before I knew it, I was heading home after 2 a.m.
Nope, we never started the interview, which is actually just fine... It means I'll have to go back for more mayhem. New York at its finest.

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