Thursday, November 4, 2010

When It Rains...

I have no idea what the hell is happening, but I hope it keeps on keeping on. After going all summer with not a peep of freelance action, the skies have opened up and rained down on me with four glorious assignments over the past two weeks.

First, a former colleague recommended me to write a 1,000- word profile for a Board member of a publishing association. Then I was asked to write a monster piece on heavy metal band Motley Crue's 30th anniversary for their label.

Next—again through a recommendation from a former co-worker—came a 500-word bio on a new dance act for an indie record label. And yesterday I received a call from yet another former colleague asking me to cover a Tim McGraw press conference at the Ritz Carlton in Manhattan and write it up for Country Weekly online.

When it rains, it pours. I sure hope it stays sopping wet for the forseeable future. Man, it feels good to put words together again—for a cash dividend. Next, please!

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