Liz D. and I left Manhattan this afternoon to return to Southampton for the month of August, where I will blissfully continue working on our book project. Certain we had passed the heinous potential lock-down of Friday traffic, Liz took a turn over the Ponquogue Bridge to Hampton Bays for an early dinner at one of her longtime favorite destinations, Oakland's Restaurant and Marina—which borders the Atlantic Ocean, the bay and Shinnecock Canal.

Shinnecock? Naturally, I giggled, pronouncing to Liz, "Shine-cock??" She gently corrected my error, assuring me I wasn't the first idiot to mispronounce da word. "Shin-e-cock." That's still friggin' funny enough for me.

We took a walk along the beach side where the trio of waterways meet... just be-a-u-tiful, cool cats.

The wind was so heavy, the birds were practically flying backward.

"Vehicles Only"... With 8-cylinder bacon stripes. Sorry, ew.

Pics along the back of the restaurant, at the marina...

Of course, rain was forecast—with a flood warning across New York and Long Island—but we hoped for the best. Ha, ha, ha, naive Chuck & Liz. We got halfway through our dinner—I had a delectable red chili-coated yellow-fin tuna steak, with avocado vinaigrette, whipped sweet potatoes and corn with black beans—before black clouds passed over as if the Wicked Witch of the West was blowing wind from her broom.

The wind picked up and we were all moved inside.

Onward back to Southampton, where the rain began... natch just as we reached the grocery store. My hair day started out so damn good this morning... after the wind at Hampton Bays, I looked like Bozo, and finished out the evening as a drenched poodle.