Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things Kids Will Never Know

Fun and fascinating list on today: “100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About.” We could all think of 100 more, I’m sure. Here are some that made me chuckle… or sigh.

By Nathan Barry
* Inserting a VHS tape to watch a movie or record something.
* Playing music on an audio tape using a personal stereo.
* The number of TV channels being a single digit.
* Rotary dial TVs with no remote control.
* High-speed dubbing.
* 8-track cartridges, vinyl records, Betamax tapes, laserdisc, Minidisc.
* Watching TV when the networks say you should.
* Wires. OK, so they’re not gone yet, but it won’t be long.
* The scream of a modem connecting.
* The buzz of a dot-matrix printer
* Floppy disks.
* Screens being green or orange on black.
* Recording a song in a studio.
* Using a road atlas to get from A to B.
* Doing bank business only when the bank is open.
* Phone books and Yellow Pages.
* Newspapers and magazines made from dead trees.
* Filling out an order form by hand, putting it in an envelope & posting it.
* Not knowing exactly what your friends are doing & thinking every moment.
* Typewriters.
* Putting film in your camera, sending it away to be processed, having physical prints of photographs come back to you.
* Rotary-dial telephones.
* Pay phones.
* Vacuum cleaners with bags in them.
* Remembering someone’s phone number.
* Not knowing who was calling you on the phone.
* Writing a check.
* Cash.
* A dictionary, encyclopedia or thesaurus.
* Privacy.

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