Sunday, October 31, 2010


Leo visited from Long Island this weekend as the temps went from boo-ful highs to scary lows. Winter's a coming... and that's a real big boo!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Weekend In Washington!

When I graduated from college in the mid-1980s, I high-tailed it out of Lynchburg and headed for the more urbane pastures of Northern Virginia, where I lived for the next 11 years. This past weekend I returned to Washington for the first time in almost six years—and it was one big sentimental throw-down, as I looked back with love and remembered so many firsts during my 20s. The bus dropped me off in Chinatown, which was once a scary place to walk. Now, it looks like a miniature Times Square, with lights, screens, theaters, trendy restaurants... and people!I walked through Logan and Thomas Circles... Where have all the prostitutes gone?"The P Street House," locale of much frivolity and debauchery during my 20s. Now it looks like a proud, staunch museum, renovated to perfection. If those walls could talk...Dupont Circle, the scene of so many "firsts" for me, as I came out of the closet and discovered life on the other side.Mr. P's, the first gay bar I ever entered, seduced by Madonna's "Into the Groove." Now a Moroccan restaurant.Friends bar... now an Asian fusion restaurant...Peoples Drug Store in the mid-1980s... same view of today's CVS.The beautiful fountain, unchanged.The Fireplace and State Liquors... not only do they look the same, but Fireplace smells like it hasn't been scrubbed down in 25 years.I met Teddy for happy hour at 5 p.m. Friday at Omega... formerly Frat House... joined by Ro Ro and Teddy's main squeeze Tom.Dupont Circle fountain by night...And the ever-majestic Lincoln Memorial, as Ro and I drive to National Airport to pick up Moxie, arriving from Boulder.Moxie Moose in the house! With Ro, meese and Ro's squeeze Bill.Saturday morn: Now we can see Ro's new condo in Alexandria.Brunch in da house, before I head to Del Ray Alexandria for....The 9th annual Chili Cook-off with my dear longtime pal La, whom I've now known for more than 20 years.Bobby, another bud from those golden D.C. days. We share the same birthday... and year.The affair was like an old-fashioned block party. Good, clean fun.The hotties of Del Ray...On Sunday, Mox, Ro and meese returned to Dupont Circle... beautiful day to walk around the city.
Long gone, but a Washington landmark.Gorgeous, eh?
Geeks on wheels!
The new World War II Memorial on the Washington Mall.
The phallic Washington Monument...Lincoln by day... and that's a wrap. Great weekend to reminisce and to create many new memories.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Run Like The Wind, Dear Kirby... R.I.P.

This morning Ayhan and I said farewell to our beloved 18-year-old Maltese Kirby, who we rescued six years ago. She was a tough lady when she came to us, testy and determined— at all of 4.5 pounds. An impossible day, but we are at peace with the fact we provided her a comfortable home with unconditional love. In god's hands, may she again run like the wind.

Happy Birthday Simon Le Bon

Simon John Charles Le Bon, lead singer of enduring pop/rock Brit band Duran Duran, turns 52 today. The only Grammy Awards the group has ever won were in 1984 for two short-form music videos. In 2004, the boys were bestowed an Outstanding Contribution To Music Brit Award.

In addition, they have never scored a chart-topping album in the States—though they achieved two No. 1 singles: "The Reflex" in 1984 (still my fave) and "A View To A Kill" in 1985.

Kellan Lutz: Caliente In Men's Health

Kellan Lutz, the 25-year-old hottie who stars in the "Twilight" film series, recently posed for a cover spread in the Spanish version of Men's Health. Muy caliente!

LimeWire: The Bitter End

Festive file-sharing service LimeWire has been shuttered by a federal judge for copyright infringement following a tenacious four-year case. Limewire, like Napster and Grokster before it, admitted to having 50 million happy-go-lucky users monthly. Guess I'll have to track down those '80s' tracks on CDs now. Sigh...

Return To Roots: A Weekend In Washington

When I graduated from college in the mid-1980s, I high-tailed it out of Lynchburg and headed for the more urbane pastures of Northern Virginia, where I lived for the next 11 years. This past weekend I returned to Washington for the first time in almost six years—and it was one big sentimental throw-down, as I looked back with love and remembered so many firsts during my 20s. Stand by for full coverage...