Oh, all right, it was deliberate, but so what. Should we electrocute pigeons that poop on your shoulder, too?
The deal: 21-year-old Matthew Clemmens of New Jersey admits he stuck his fingers down his throat and vomited on Michael Vangelo, an off-duty Easton police captain, and his 11-year-old daughter at a Phillies-Nationals game. I'm so sure they were perfectly behaved...

Prior to his plea, Clemmens was held on bail for $36,000 amid trumped-up complaints

of simple assault, reckless endangerment, harassment and disorderly conduct.
Geez, nobody can take a joke anymore. I thought everybody threw up at stadiums. Isn't that why they serve warm beer and hotdogs? It's an American pastime!
I agree Chuck! Upchucking should not be a crime. Vomiting in stadiums is to be expected!