Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daytripping: Nyack, N.Y. It Doesn't Get Any More Quaint Than This

With a warm sunny Saturday in the forecast, Leo offered to retrieve his vintage Mercedes out of the garage and take a New York daytrip, heading north to Cold Spring, N.Y., a mere 63 miles from NYC. As with any such journey, getting there is as much a part of the adventure as the destination, and we were not disappointed.

Halfway there, we took a spontaneous right turn and ended up in beautiful Nyack, N.Y., a quaint, historic 1.6 square mile village in Rockland County on the western shore of the Hudson River. The town is so small that walking down the street, we met Mayor Richard Kavesh, a proud Democrat.

Nyack has two main drags: Broadway, marked by scores of restored Victorian homes (the village was incorporated in 1883) and Main Street, lined with local retailers, galleries, restaurants and government buildings. Let's take a walk, shall we?
Sustenance, please... We stopped by the Skylark Cafe, which has been on Main Street for 43 years.
 On to the historic buildings, yes?
And now my ever-loving favorite... beautiful, historic homes...
Above: This is the birthplace of artist Edward Hopper, whom The Smoking Nun recently featured!
 Coming next: The mansions in northern Nyack along the Hudson River.


  1. Nyack is beautiful

  2. I've lived in Nyack for almost 20 years- and I must say your photos make it look like I place I would go out of my way to visit- you really captured the essence and charm of our little town- nicely done!

  3. Hey you should add something religious to your site like "the stoned Muslim" or the "drunkin' Hassidic?"

    It's no wonder why closed passed through our town like a gallstone- buh bye now!


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