Thursday, June 4, 2009

R&R: The Official Company Line

Nielsen Co. Ceases Publication of Radio & Records, June 3, 2009

Nielsen Co. is ending publication of Radio & Records, known in the radio business for the past 36 years as R&R. Publication ceases immediately. In a specially called “Town Hall Meeting” for R&R staff across the country, publisher Howard Appelbaum told employees that it was a “tough decision” but that the magazine’s “macro did not work” in this economic climate. He said “all jobs are eliminated” and that some parts of R&R, such as airplay charts, would be included in Billboard magazine, another Nielsen publication.

Appelbaum, who took over Nielsen’s business media division in January, said the company had made several attempts to “salvage” the publication and had spoken with “some prospective buyers,” but he declined to discuss specifics with the staff, instead inviting “off-line” questions.

It was Appelbaum’s third such Town Hall teleconference. In the first, he introduced news of the departure of longtime publisher and president Erica Farber in early January. On Feb. 25, Applebaum announced steep staff cutbacks at the magazine.

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