Thursday, June 25, 2009

Traffic Toll

Today, The Smoking Nun reached a total of 17,500 hits! In the past month alone, we've fostered online traffic of nearly 3,400 page views. Okay, I'm no Perez Hilton (thank god), but I'm certainly appreciative of every one of youse that stops by for a glance at my latest sloppy servings. Indeed, I bow to your good taste.Meanwhile, today marks the close of our first wholly self-indulgent poll, designed to see what content best reflects your interests when you take the time to spend a few minutes smoking with the nuns. Here are the results, cool cats:

(ranked in order of popularity/multiple votes allowed)
Clever writing: (66%)
Snarky pop culture pics & captions: (60%)
Photos of what you do & who you see: (50%)
Hot men: (26%)
Awards show commentary: (23%)
Events/news/commentary about NYC: (20%)
Vintage then & now photos: (20%)
Pics of NYC now: (16%)
Nothing. Get lost. Never coming back: (0%)

So there you have it. And now I know: The ideal post is a cleverly written snarky caption about hot men I see at awards shows in NYC! I’ll get right on it. (Thank you for participating.)

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