Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Last George Bush Post... Ever

AP reports what the Northeast and West Coast of the U.S. didn't need a poll to prove: "57% of Americans say Bush is one of the five worst presidents in U.S. history, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national survey. Republicans aren't much help to the retiring 62-year-old GOP president. While predictably 81% of Democrats rate Bush as one of the five worst presidents, so do 20% of Republicans."

Bush said Tuesday, "When I walked out of the Oval Office this morning, I left with the same values that I took to Washington eight years ago." Precisely. I couldn't have explained the mess he left any better.


  1. Honestly though, I feel bad for the man, and more importantly, his wife. Can you imagine the relief the both of them feel now that this is all over?

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  3. hello everyone. i doubt that the author is right but i can not get rid of the feeling that no person in this world is perfect.

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  6. In other case I would say that the author is not right. But with such a good argumentation I fully agree.

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  12. Nice article bro. But I think that is not all that can be said about the issue.


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