Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Boo-Whoo!

Arrived back in New York at 7 a.m. this morning, took the Airtrain from JFK Airport to the A train... all of $5 to get home... now, cooking spaghetti for din and exhausted at 10:30 p.m.—but girl, that's a good thing. Meese as a chronic insomniac might actually sleep tonight.

The Witch's House In Beverly Hills

Amazing architecture in the heart of Beverly Hills, on Walden Drive at Carmelita Avenue... I happened by, assuming that this house simply must have a rich history... Sure enough, "The Witch's House," or the Spadena House—also known as the Hansel & Gretel House—was built in 1921—and actually was moved from another nabe in 1934. It's currently being renovated, so is surrounded by black fencing... I tried to convince the contractor to let me inside, but it was a no go. The home was also featured in the 1995 film "Clueless."

And Finally... L.A. Final Evening

Friday afternoon I headed to the Billboard Film & Music Conference at the Beverly Hilton to see Kristina moderate her first panel ever: "Transitioning from Music Supervision to Producing"... I was fortunate enough to find parking on the other side of Wilshire, within the heart of Beverly Hills, and did a sweet walking tour of the homes in the nabe before making my way to the Beverly Hilton for the biz at hand, and the party by the pool that followed.Boo!! Halloween is obviously just around the corner.And onward to the conference.The BevHil today...And in 1956...Before Tina's panel, I met with L.A.-based Gail Mitchell, who is among few survivor vets at Billboard... always lovely to connect.And then, to the conference room!Jonathan McHugh...On to the pool party!Oh, heavens, is it Ugly Betty?Michele, another survivor, who started at Billboard before I did in 1995, and remains intact.Meese with Tina and BB L.A.-based exec ed Anne Donahue.Anne, Tina, BB editor Bill Werde and meese.And the final L.A. pic... my little Chevy Peanut, as I head to LAX for the red-eye flight. What an amazing trip... loved every moment, as you'll see below, cool cats!

L.A. (Final) Day Four: Venice Beach

Up at 8 a.m., dropped Kristina off at the Billboard Film & TV Conference, then had the day to myself... hmmm... I'd already done Santa Monica Pier, but Venice Beach... with its deliciously seedy persona... well, that's a hawse of a different color... not to mention the fact that Celine Dion's "Love Can Move Mountains" was set there. Ironically, in the car on the way, Coast 103.5 played her "Where Does My Heart Beat Now," which I took as a fine sign...My parking karma was pretty surreal during the entire trip. I managed the find a meter right on the main drag to pull in the Chevy Peanut.The just-opened cement skateboard "park" was a huge hit. These guys are performing minor miracles.