Who the hell is Blake Griffin? Oh, okay, he's apparently a basketball player with some team called the Los Angeles Clippers. In any case, I've no idea why
Men's Health would put this guy's unseemly mug on the cover of its January/February 2012 issue. A nice bod is fine and all, but if you've got a face like Quasimoto, who can get beyond such scary countenance to admire the rest?

Inside the issue, we have a nice image of
Gossip Girl actor Penn Badgeley; a cutie modeling a swell tux; actor Paul Walker in an ad for Cool Water, with his stunning blue eyes accentuated; and a pic of Aussie actor Liam McIntyre, training to evolve from a skinny dude to major hottie in Starz series
Spartacus: Vengeance... Mercy, that's some cod piece, huh?

And finally, back to
Men's Health, a truly riveting image: I've always had a penchant for supermarkets—I'm fascinated by the subconscious marketing techniques utilized to get consumers to buy, buy, buy, and the super-tech employed in an industry that feeds the masses. This panoramic shot jazzed me more than any of the guys in the mag, I gotta say. *
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