Freshly appointed Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan returned to NYC Sunday from his festive

ordination ceremony in Rome with a giant jolly grin, giggling with gaiety over the inexplicable amount of media attention he's received.
The anti-gay, anti-women's rights, anti-civil liberties, anti-live-the-way-

you-deem-fit obsolete relic of antidiluvian Catholic protocol, is now setting down his priorities with a limp, albeit iron fist, including the importance of traditional heterosexual

marriage—something he has absolutely no experience with. The red-beanie-wearing Dolan lisped to the masses that local bishops need to have a more effective pastoral message on marriage, because so many Roman Catholics are either not marrying or are divorcing: “We’ve got to be better heralds, trumpeters, about what beautiful life-giving life-long marriage is,” he said.

Dolan did not mention whether he intends to address his own

rabidly ungodly obsession with food, after sucking up hundreds of thousands of calories at the banquet table, eating like a herd of hippos while in Italy. Upon his return, Dolan's new cardinal’s ring was so tight around his chubby finger that when reporters asked to take a closer look, he could not remove it to show the inscription inside. Perhaps Dolan should focus less on heralding the buffet spread. *
You should be ashamed of your bigoted and hateful comments against a man who has dedicated his life to earnestly helping other people. If you spent 10% of the time he does doing charitable works you would not have the time to post such vile filth on the internet.
ReplyDeleteNobody can be that jolly without something else going on. He's 62.
ReplyDeleteA lot less Dolan calling attention to himself is desired. He will continue talking, as we learned in Milwaukee. There are more media adorers in NYC.