Sunday, February 26, 2012

Washington Weekend II: Leisure Time

While I was in Washington, D.C., over the weekend to primarily conduct biz with my bud Alex in his Fort Washington, Md., home, there was plenty of time for leisure. Back in November, I swung a deal on LivingSocial for a Megabus ticket for 50 cents round-trip(!).

Alex and his gal pal Caroline picked me up at Union Station early Thursday afternoon and we immediately made our way along the city streets to begin the celebration.

First up: beverages at a couple outdoor cafes—as temps tipped the mid-60s. In February. What a blessed event that was. Next stop: Alex's large two-story house, where he had a gift waiting for Caroline: a stuffed version of internet sensation Boo.
Alex's digs are complete with two back decks, two fire pits and a brand new hot tub (which we indulged Friday). In the mean time, Alex showed me some of his theatrical tricks, such as... uh, setting his hand on fire.And what home would be complete without a vintage 1965 Mustang convertible, arguably the ultimate vintage Muscle Car of all time... I look right comfortable behind the wheel, I must say. Friday eve we were back in the city, where we met up with my longtime dear friend RoRo at gay straight-friendly hang Nellie's, then journeyed to the beautiful 1905 tavern... Next up: The long-lived historic Eastern Market.

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