Monday, September 3, 2012

Lynchburg: Family Tree

You can go home again. Despite my mammer's four hot topics—get a job, get a haircut, you're fat and stop smoking—it was a joyous downtempo time of solace during my end-of-summer trip to Lynchburg, Va. Precious. Below, the parents' home at Westminster Canterbury, where they've now lived for 13 years... not more than a mile from where I grew up. Poppy takes on the plants in front, which Evelyn meticulously landscapes every year.Evelyn smiles! Thunder & lightning struck!Ev with Lil' Blake and below, bro Chris and sis-in-law Judy.Judy celebrated her birthday at the end of the week. We had dinner out, followed by cake in.The 2012 Family Portrait (1).Ev & Dan, September 1, 2012. So beautiful.Family Portrait (2).My final night... spying on Evelyn from outside through the kitchen bay window...Good night for now!And so long, Lynchburg, Va. Nice to see ya again...

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