Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Bliss At Hampton Bays

Liz D. and I left Manhattan this afternoon to return to Southampton for the month of August, where I will blissfully continue working on our book project. Certain we had passed the heinous potential lock-down of Friday traffic, Liz took a turn over the Ponquogue Bridge to Hampton Bays for an early dinner at one of her longtime favorite destinations, Oakland's Restaurant and Marina—which borders the Atlantic Ocean, the bay and Shinnecock Canal.Shinnecock? Naturally, I giggled, pronouncing to Liz, "Shine-cock??" She gently corrected my error, assuring me I wasn't the first idiot to mispronounce da word. "Shin-e-cock." That's still friggin' funny enough for me.We took a walk along the beach side where the trio of waterways meet... just be-a-u-tiful, cool cats.The wind was so heavy, the birds were practically flying backward."Vehicles Only"... With 8-cylinder bacon stripes. Sorry, ew.Pics along the back of the restaurant, at the marina...Of course, rain was forecast—with a flood warning across New York and Long Island—but we hoped for the best. Ha, ha, ha, naive Chuck & Liz. We got halfway through our dinner—I had a delectable red chili-coated yellow-fin tuna steak, with avocado vinaigrette, whipped sweet potatoes and corn with black beans—before black clouds passed over as if the Wicked Witch of the West was blowing wind from her broom.The wind picked up and we were all moved inside.Onward back to Southampton, where the rain began... natch just as we reached the grocery store. My hair day started out so damn good this morning... after the wind at Hampton Bays, I looked like Bozo, and finished out the evening as a drenched poodle.

"Vanity Fair": Love, Farrah

Vanity Fair's upcoming issue features two covers: One with Michael Jackson (hmm, he's been in the news a lot lately. Does he have a new album or something?) and the other, the lovely, late Farrah Fawcett.Meanwhile, did you see that Madonna's arms died?

"The Time Traveler's Wife"

Gorgeous Rachel McAdams, one of my favorite actresses of the millennium (next to Brittany Murphy), has a beautiful new movie coming Aug. 14, "The Time Traveler's Wife," co-starring Aussie hottie Eric Bana. I'm gonna cry like a big girl.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gerard Boersma: NYC Street Scenes

Nice work from Netherlands-based painter Gerard Boersma.

Boys Of Summer

It's been a long, long while since I invested any time whoring the Web for pretty boys. To celebrate the summer, here's a handful of handsome beachcombers.

First New Facebook Profile Pic Of 2009

Wow, I appear to have cheekbones...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Karine Hannah's "Gone"

Producer, songwriter, composer Ayhan Sahin has developed a new skill: videographer. He put together the following video clip from more than 900 individual photographs taken by Gulcin Hatihan for Karine Hannah's new album, "Karine," available on Young Pals Music and here.

Sweet Gwyneth Paltrow Maligns The Press, Calling Them "The Roaches"

Amid one friggin' downpour after another, beginning around 2 p.m. and still dribbling past 10 p.m., Ayhan and I were invited to Tribeca Grand this evening for a charity event, where Gwyneth Paltrow was the honored guest. It was supposed to be on the rooftop, but given that the city was sopping, it moved inside.The press gathered on a balcony above the setting for the $375-a-plate dinner as Paltrow entered amid the typical madness and mania that accompanies any celeb standing in front of camera crews. If you've never seen it, you'd almost pity the star (until, of course, you remember that this is a responsibility of their choice to be in the public eye), as photogs shout out, "Gwyneth, look here." "Look to the right." "Smile." "Turn your head." "You look great." "Hey, Gwyneth, turn around." "Look over your shoulder." "Can you smile again?" It's truly bombast like nothing else in the entertainment business, and you wonder how these folks manage to look relaxed and smile ever so sweetly. Then again, you consider that an actress like Paltrow makes $10 million per picture... and empathy evaporates. Deal with it. For that reason, it was astonishing to hear the disgruntled comments from the press on the elevator, as we were hurried back to the lobby, that Miss Gwyneth was overheard telling her publicist, "I'm done. Get the roaches out of here," referring to those very photographers that deliver her pictures to the wire services, newspapers and weekly celebrity magazines, helping her maintain any semblance of relevance. Considering that her last semi-hit film was "Running With Scissors" in 2006—while she is in post-production for action adventure "Iron Man II," starring Robert Downey Jr., not due until May 2010—you'd think she might maintain the slightest humility.Ayhan and I, posing as members of the detestable "roaches."Gloom without end over downtown Manhattan.A cool rooftop view overlooking Canal Street.More downtown views...

Greenwich Village: 1969 Meets 2009

Back in NYC for a couple days, Ayhan and I headed to the West Village Tuesday evening, where I couldn't resist seeing some of the haunts I have been writing about in my book project with Liz D. We walked down MacDougal Street, one of the main hangs of her salad days in the late 1960s. There were the Minetta Tavern and Cafe Wha?... places that molded her teen years. Past meets present. Mighty inspiring to walk through Liz-Land.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back In The City

Heading back to NYC today with Liz D. for a couple days, and looking forward to seeing that man that works at my apartment. I think his name is Ayhop. Wait, no, Icon. Whoops, Ayhan. Then it's back to Southampton Thursday to continue writing like a madman.

So far: Four chapters of our book completed in rough form. Let's see, that should leave only about 25 more. Mercy.

Ashley Tisdale Wows "Today"

"High School Musical" graduate Ashley Tisdale gave a knock-out performance this morning on NBC's "Today" show—the latter part with crazy Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb—singing current single "It's Alright, It's OK." The girl can sing. Her second album "Guilty Pleasure" hits the street July 28.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Madame Tong's: Sunday In Southampton

Sunday morning opened with yet another downpour at 7:30 a.m., but thankfully the clouds exhausted themselves for the rest of the day... for the moment, anyway. The forecast is calling for rain for the next 10 days. Oh, yee haw. The rest of the day was cloudy, cool and foggy, which worked out well enough for this afternoon's event at Madame Tong's, hosted by Liz D. and Sidi.Liz D. introduces the afternoon's entertainment, Adriana, who celebrated the release of her album, "Tag" at the venue.And here, Miss Adriana spreads wings for her performance.Adriana, Madame Tong's manager David, Liz D. and Sidi.Sidi, Liz. D. and meese.Liz D. with Donna Solloway and Adriana.Adriana and her handsome man, in my favorite color.Adriana and her new fan club.DJ Derrick and protege Ryan.Handsome bartender Tyler, with blue eyes that could melt an iceberg.And finally, Sidi, sporting a fine hair day, if I say so myself.