Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sopping Celebration

Christa celebrated(?) her birthday aboard a Rocks-Off Boat Cruise Friday evening, one of those dreadful three-hour cruises around and around the Hudson, complete with live music and 4 inches of constant, sopping, irritating, soggy rain. Thankfully, I had my flask aboard... I wouldn't want it to be too dry.Allie, meese and the birthday girl.The BK Bridge.With Kristina and Peach. How's about my humidity-fueled clown hair?Lady Lib.With Allieicious.K'tina and Allie, in matching outfits.The virtual Twin Towers light memorial... It is, after all, 9/11.Look who I found! As we boarded the subway at East 23rd and Broadway after the boat cruise, I'll be damned if Cara wasn't standing in the station. Small world, after all.

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