Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Darren Sharper: I Love Me Some Sports

I've never heard of this dude, Darren Sharper, but he plays in a game called football for a team known as the New Orleans Saints. They won the Super Bowl this year, which I assume has something to do with eating tortilla chips en masse. It's safe to assume that at some point the 35-year-old, like most entitled athletes, will beat up his girlfriend, drive drunk or shoot someone. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy those gorgeous teeth. Chomp, chomp!Addendum: Damn, I was right. In 2006, Sharper was fined $15,000 for bullying a referee during a game. While pursuing a pass play, he ran directly toward a game official and shoved him to the ground. (Thanks to Greg In Hollywood.)

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