Monday, March 23, 2009

Diary Of A Layoff/Post Seven

Mind-fuck phase two… three… four? Today marks the beginning of my final week at the job. Three days remaining on payroll. More than anything, I am mentally exhausted and just ready for this to be over.

I was up writing my final feature until 1 a.m. this morning. 2,000 words for Radio & Records about DJ blogs. Usually the process of long-form writing involves crafting my storytelling until it’s wrapped, then leaning back with a satisfied smirk, then heading to bed by the light of the moon with a feeling of accomplishment. This was more a cursory exercise, as I literally checked the word count time and again until I reached a satisfying climax, then tacked on a final quote. Done.

Second, and the more dominant emotion here: When I walked in the office this morning and saw my cubicle—which I snapped a pic of in a previous post—I was taken aback. At this point, there is nary a sign I ever existed, and I was smacked with a wall of emotion. It’s really over. This is the finale. well, shit, how about that?

My attitude has been so positive and forward-thinking and I suppose I neglected to recognize the here and now might be tougher than I imagined. My editor P must have recognized I was feeling a heave of emotion; he asked, “How are you doing?” and I told him today was tough. Sadness. These 14 years represent nearly a third of my life. Obviously, tossing that into the wind isn’t possible without some sentimental pushback.

Tomorrow I am in production for the final time, then comes my party at Central Bar. I am anticipating 50+ friends, co-workers, allies and artists, which I am hoping will be quite a throw-down celebration. Hopefully that will restore the positive… then Wednesday, I will likely edit some final R&R buffoonery and at last, turn the page, then hopefully take a full month off to process. With a great deal of luck on my side, the next decade-plus will be as fulfilling.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charles,

    I am sorry to hear of this bombshell. Joan forwarded your post for me to read yesterday. I don't think that Betty has heard about this from Evelyn. Don't worry I will tell Betty. I am sure that she will protest this horrible injustice by cancelling her lifetime subscription to Billboard immediately(although she may have too wait to get her U2 shameless marketing double issue first). They are truly scum to treat an industry expert like you in this manner just because of the significant drop in advertising revenue. If there is anything I can do to help please drop me a line.

    Good Luck,

    Paul Norman

    PS: I am a blog posting virgin so if this is too personal of a comment for this forum then please let me know.


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