In the past several months, more than two dozen celebrity couples have called its
splitsville: Christina Aguilera & hubby Jordan Bratman, Courteney Cox & David Arquette, Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher, Laura Dern & Ben Harper, Donnie Wahlberg & Kim Fey, Cameron Crowe & rocker Nancy Wilson,

Patricia Arquette & Thomas Jane, Al & Tipper Gore, Naveen Andrews & Barbara Hershey, Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy, Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes, Charlize Theron & Stuart Townsend, Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins, Matthew & Tina Knowles... plus Kelsey Grammer, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Phillippe, James Van Der Beek, James Caan, Toni Braxton, Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, Cory Feldman, Avril Lavigne, Bill Murray and Morgan Freeman, with their respective husbands and wives.
Good thing two-timing, racist, homophobic, pissed-off New York Tea Party/Republican gubernatorial hopeful
Carl Paladino has gay

folks' best interest at heart, when he said, "I think my children and your children would be better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family. I don't want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option. That's not how God created us and not the example that we should be showing our children."
Right! D-I-V-O-R-C-E. A much better example for our children. Smart fat-ass, that Paladino!
I could not agree with you MORE!