Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jessica Simpson's Hair-Raising Mag Cover

Jessica Simpson isn't splitting hairs on the hilarious cover of the new New York magazine, in which the 30 year old reveals that her Jessica Simpson fashion line—which includes 22 licenses ranging from shoes, denim, hair extensions, fragrances, hats, coats, lip gloss and dresses, with "career separates" on the way—has grossed $750 million, due to cross the $1 billion mark this year.

Who the hell needs hit records? (Incidentally, her music career comprises seven top 40 hits between 1999 and 2006, three gold and two multi-platinum albums... in addition to six films and two reality shows.)

1 comment:

  1. Love You Blog!

    We just released a feature documentary that is being distributed on dvd by New York City based Indiepixfilms on the life of David Klein-the forgotten founder of Jelly Belly jelly beans...Its an amazing true story that has to be seen to be believed...It is the Social Network with candy...we were just written up in USA Today...we'd love for you to review the film...This film really is truly inspirational for anyone who has had major ups and downs in life. It is directed by Costa Botes(Forgotten Silver). Candyman is also playing on the Doc Channel. communities/popcandy/post/ 2011/02/candyman-spills-the- beans-on-an-inventors-life/1
    Candyman the David Klein Story is directed by Costa Botes(Forgotten Silver) and exec produced by Eddie Schmidt(This film is not yet rated)

    website and trailer is at

    Bert Klein


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