Friday, April 15, 2011

Delaware Becomes Eighth State To Approve Civil Unions For Gays

The Delaware state Senate and House of Representatives have voted to legalize civil unions, which Gov. Jack Markell says he will sign.

The measure states, "Parties who enter into a lawful civil union in Delaware will have all of the same rights, benefits, protections and responsibilities as married persons under Delaware law."

Not so fast... While the law is certainly a positive step, it does not allow same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses, while religious institutions can refuse to "solemnize" such unions. So while it may look good on paper, it remains a baby step in terms of true equality...

Even so, the law makes Delaware the eighth state to legalize civil unions or domestic partnerships for same-sex couples, with Cali, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington. A similar bill in Illinois begins June 1, and Hawaii's law takes effect Jan. 1.

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