Singer/songwriter Phoebe Snow died this morning at age 60, following complications

related to a
brain hemorrhage she suffered last year. She was best known for 1975 hit "Poetry Man," which led to a Grammy nomination for Best New Artist.

Snow more or less retired from the music business soon after to take care of her severely brain damaged daughter Valerie, who died in 2007 at age 31.
I reviewed her 2003 return single "Sahara" for Billboard (at left) and also had the opportunity to meet Phoebe at several music events. She was certainly a passionate woman who freely shared the difficult ordeal of her life. In fact, during one discussion with her about Valerie, I admit she moved me to break down into tears. Today, she joins Valerie. I hope they both find peace.

With Ayhan's mamer, June 10, 2003.
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