Please join in the protest by signing the petition at Change.org here. In addition, GLAAD offers a "It's time for Kirk Cameron to grow up" petition here.
Apparently, he's feeling the heat. Cameron responded to the swift condemnation of his hate-filled comments by saying: “I believe

I'm sure Barry Goldwater said the same thing when

The New Civil Rights Movements notes, "It’s the old, 'Love the sinner, but hate the sin,' default statement, which, as Dan Savage likes to point out, is just a kinder version of 'God hates fags'.” See some choice responses to Kirkie's extremist commentary on CNN below the jump:
* Cameron's TV dad Alan Thicke: "I'll address Kirk's comments as soon as I recover from Rush Limbaugh's... I'm getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can't be expected to explain everything."
* His TV sister Tracey Gold: "I am a strong supporter of the LGBT Community, and I believe in equal rights for all."

* Kristen Chenoweth: "Even as a young child, I thought, 'Why is being gay bad?’ So I asked my grandma, the best Christian I ever knew. She told me, 'I read the Bible like I eat fish. I take the meat that serves me well but I don't choke on the bone.'"
* Talkie Craig Ferguson: "Rush makes me ashamed to be a middle-aged white man and Kirk Cameron makes me ashamed to be a failed actor. We don't all think like that NoH8."
* Modern Family actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson: "The only unnatural thing about me being gay is that I had a crush on Kirk

* Smash actress Debra Messing: "I want to thank Piers Morgan for his response to what he would say to his child if (s)he came out: 'Great, as long as you're happy.'"
* Roseanne: "Kirk Cameron is an accomplice to murder with his hate speech. So is Rick Warren. Their peers are killing gays in Uganda."
* Dave Holmes: "Remember yesterday afternoon, when Kirk Cameron's views were none of our concern? Let's restore America to that golden age."
* Michael Showalter: "Idea for movie: Human Centipede 3 starring Kirk Cameron and Rush Limbaugh."
* Martha Plimpton: "The word 'equality' shows up too much in our founding documents for anyone to pretend it's not the American way."
* GLAAD: "Cameron has the right to share his views, but as a result of GLAAD's work, people of faith who support LGBT people are making sure their voices are louder. Kirk Cameron's statements are not only out of touch with the beliefs of most Americans, they contribute to a climate of hostility and falsely suggest that communities of faith are not accepting of LGBT people." *
It's really sad to see people I grew up with be so narrow minded.