Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tom Daley Has Come To Realize That He's Awfully Damn Cute

Two years ago, British diver Tom Daley was a cute 16-year-old kid. Now, at 18, his testosterone has begun to kick into high gear.

He's still adorable, but month by month, he's getting hotter as he blossoms into full manhood... which all the world is experiencing, given that he spends most of his time in the public eye in a pair of tight Speedos. Mind you, I'm entranced by the fact that he has such beautiful teeth...

Given the number of Tumblr sites Daley has, this guy is going nowhere but up. He's already propelled beyond "athlete" in his native U.K. to an outright celebrity. Too bad NBC's Olympics' coverage is so arrogantly focused on U.S. U.S. U.S. that many in America don't know our favorite overall Olympian. *

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