Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Of The Day: Snig's Spot

On the surface, Mrs. Snig and I don't seems to share a lot in common: rural Georgia vs. New York City, conservative vs. liberal, Southerner vs. transplanted Yankee... This lady is proud of her guns and her Confederate flag.

But her blog's mantra—"We use the words Shugah, Y'all & Darlin' a lot. Don't be fooled by our drawl: We may talk slow, but we think fast"—and there you have it. She's clever, smart, balls to the wall, and funny as hell. What more of a bond do we need?

And get this. A year ago, she sent me a note cautioning that in a picture I had posted on The Nun where I was sitting in a restaurant paying the bill, one could actually decipher my credit card number. I thought that was awfully neighborly. Check out Snig's Spot. You'll fall in love, too.

1 comment:

  1. Why bless your heart. Chuck, you're such a fantastic guy.

    The mantra I try to live most by is "Be decent to others". Most times, it's a pretty easy way to live...until some dipstick comes trying to stomp on me. Then I have to crank up my log truck and show 'em a thing or two.

    Sorry I haven't been around much as of late. Between school & the various schedules that seem to have all 4 of us going separate directions, it's been the pits. I've got a break coming up though, so hopefully for a few weeks I can keep up with what's happening way up there in New Yawk.

    Hope you & yours are well and you have a fantastic weekend!! (((Hugs)))

    Love the w/v- suppennyc Sup' in NYC? :D


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