Saturday, August 28, 2010

Southampton: R.I.P. (In Style)

The North End Graveyard in Southampton is steps from the main Village; the latest burial there is 1940, the first dates back to the early 1800s, including many of the renowned/most respected families in the Hamps.Resume on a gravestone?"Perfected life"? A lovely, albeit dated sentiment, it seems.Cool fonts, 17th Century style!Boo-haw!I hope she had better skin among the living.Sweet, as if they're embracing in the afterlife.Soldiers, line up!Stylish! Hipster name, girl!(For you, Donna!)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent photos! Love the effects! It's so interesting what people 100 years ago thought was important to be on a loved one's headstone. Thanks for sharing! :)


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